9.1 C
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Top 5 Crazy Russian Survival Tips

With the end of the world being predicted almost yearly (depending on who you believe ) I thought that I would get a head of the curve and learn myself some useful survival tips. And who better to teach me what I need to know about these post apocalyptic skills but The Crazy Russian Hacker

Here are my top 5, must know survival skills, as taught by the Crazy Russian.

After walking through the wastes that used to be my city, I stumble on a small corner store. It is dark and I am struggling to see what is left on the shelves. I bang into rack and knock over some crayons… surely they cant be of any use to my current situation?

Lighting the home made candles I survey the contents of  the store. There are some cans of food..YES! But awww man, no tin opener!

Worry not:


I have my cans open but I haven’t had a hot meal in months… I need the warmth to fortify my emotional state. I down a can of beer, which helps a bit. Looking at the empty can I remember a video I watched many moons ago….. 


I only have a finite supply of alcohol so don’t want to burn it all as fuel. It is getting cold and I’m going to have to stay in the store room for the evening. If only I could find a heater……

I have light, heat and am properly fed but I’ll need to defend myself from roaming hordes of post apocalyptic, infected mutants or just red necks… 

Sadly this video wont embed



 Thanks to my foresight I have survived the night and might even make it to the safe zone… take heed of this guide and maybe you will make it too!

Matt Geary
Matt Gearyhttps://www.geek-pride.co.uk
From N.Ireland but now living in Manchester, England; Matt is the founder and CEO of Geek Pride. Interests: Photography, Music, Art, poetry, Military History, Model making and painting and of course gaming (table top and computer)

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