6.1 C
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Marvel’s OFFICIAL Avengers: Age of Ultron Trailer

After being leaked online earlier Marvel Entertainment went ahead and released the full teaser trailer, alongside an excellently timed tweet:

AND released the Official Avengers: Age of Ultron movie poster!

Avengers poster

Damn! I’m SO looking forward to this!

Richie Janukowicz
Richie Janukowicz
Richie Janukowicz has been a cameraman, knight, web developer, farmer, graphic designer, telesales agent, carpenter, gardener and chef, though not necessarily in that order. He has been forced by Officers of Her Majesty to sign the Official Secrets Act. Twice. He possesses a deep and unwavering love for playing acoustic guitar, dissecting movies, reading fantasy and science fiction, superheroes (both real and imagined), martial arts and bacon. Right now he's trying to juggle a blossoming writing career with being a full time dad. He enjoys the challenge, but would like some more sleep.

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