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New Gameovercast Podcast is online. Press the link below orrrrrr, as always, subscribe on I-Tunes to listen

This weeks show is brought to you by Danny, Radar and Ninazu!

This weeks show opens with Danny telling us about a Fifa 13 competition in Australia that he is going to take part in, Ninazu talks of job hunting to fund his habit, and it all goes down hill from there…

In games we talk Dark souls, Takistan Life, Aliens Colonial marines, Crysis 3, Dead Space 3 and mucho mucho more!

Imminent releases has us excited and unsure of Crysis 3 and Metal gear solid: Revengeance, due out on the 22nd of Feb.

In News we are dismayed at more bad Gas powered games news, massively dissapointed in Aliens colonial marines, chuckle at the guy who tried to steal 19 games in his pants, and more fun and sad news besides.

We finish the show with (as usual) awesome emails from our awesome listeners! Enjoy!

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