Over the decades we have seen Dredd appearing in comics, novels and films. The 2012 film, starring Karl Urban and Lena Headley, brought a new legion of fans to Mega-City One, as Urban’s portrayal of Judge Dredd was universally enjoyed by fans and critics alike.
Now we have Lawgiver, the world’s only convention dedicated to Judge Dredd and the world of 2000AD. Launched in 2014, Lawgiver is “by the fans for the fans”, and with many creators in attendance there will be something for everyone.
This year, Lawgiver is coming to Bristol. With creator panels, book signings, screenings, art displayed (and for sale) and, if you are lucky, a pint or two with legends from the creative world of Dredd! Further Justice Department Sanctioned activities are also currently being proposed.
Mega-City One’s Most Wanted Appearing On Trial:
Boo Cook, Dylan Teague, Nick Percival, Michael Carroll, Rob Williams,
John Higgins, Pete Doherty, David Roach, Dave Taylor, Oliver Hollingdale.
Lawgiver Mk.2 will be held at the Hilton Doubletree in Bristol, on Bank Holiday Monday 25th May.
Tickets can be booked in advance here.
“For all things Dredd, gun your bike to the Bristol Sector for Lawgiver on Bank Holiday Monday May 25th. You’ll have an arresting time!”
John Wagner, co-creator of Judge Dredd.