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SpecialEffect: the gamers charity

Many of us are blessed with the ability to play games without thought to how lucky we are to be able to pick up a controller, move analog sticks or press that beatdown button to win you that all important game. Think what you would feel like if you couldn’t press that button, you couldn’t move those sticks and you couldn’t pick up that controller… All you could do is sit there and watch others enjoy what you could never experience; unthinkable and pretty depressing right? 

Well there those out there who sadly, through birth, bad luck, and disease can only sit by and watch… that is, until now!


Special Effect is an inspirational charity, one that Geek Pride can completely get behind and one you should get behind too.

Please check out their website, Like their FB and share this article on your pages. 

Special Effect Website

Special Effect Facebook


SpecialEffect is a UK charity dedicated to helping all young people with disabilities to enjoy computer games and other creative interests through cutting edge technology – for rehabilitation, inclusion and pure fun!We also specialise in eye control technology. Imagine: You wake up after an accident. You can’t move anything except your eyes. And you can’t speak. That’s when we can help. Through …
eye movement alone, we help people operate a computer for communication, independence, work and leisure. SpecialEffect’s achievements include the world’s first fully-accessible games suite at the Helen and Douglas House Hospice, award-winning games roadshows, and our Stargaze eye control project inspired by our Patron Matt Hampson

We recently launched our Loan Library, inspired by our work helping soldiers injured in Afghanistan through to young people with degenerative conditions who can no longer play in any other way. This project alone costs £100K a year, and is based from our specialist centre (including a games room and game lab) in West Oxfordshire that was this year opened by Matt Hampson and David Cameron MP.

We do whatever it takes, giving the time, patience and expertise, because we’ve seen first-hand the kick-start it has on motivation, self-esteem, confidence and quality of life.


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