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Friday, February 7, 2025

Top 10 Geeky Make Up Creations

So during one of my regular procrastination sessions I happened upon some geeky make up creations and I thought I’d share my top 10 with you. Unfortunately I couldn’t seem to find many people using make up in this kind of way (you’ll soon see what I mean) so many of the pictures come from the same artists – there are links to their sites at the end of the article.  Some of the creations are images and some are just using the same colour scheme. It was hard to choose a final 10 and even harder to order them! I hope you enjoy and feel free to send in any of your own creations! I’d love to see what the people of Geek Pride Nation can come up with! 

10. Starting with something a bit different, here is YouTube user Emma Pickles’ finished result of her pop art inspired look. It’s pretty impressive. It’s number 10 because it’s not exactly a day look or a night out look (unless that’s your style – if so, go you!) and though this particular instance of pop art make up is impressive it can look very creepy.

pop art

9. PACMAN! I love how fun this is but it doesn’t grab me as much as my top 8. I think there are slight changes I would make in the design to make it more aesthetically pleasing but other than that it’s a great fun piece done by Jangsara.


8. Up at 8 is this incredibly detailed design by Sahily. Sahily recreated the Star Trek: Into Darkness poster with her eyelid and up over her eyebrow as her canvas. She does a great job but I wish that it resembled the poster just a little more by showing the same outline of the badge as the poster does.

star trek 2

star trek

7. This look by Jangsara follows on quite nicely from the Star Trek artwork by Sahily. Her Dark Knight Rises inspired arrangement is intricate but effective.


6. This next look by Kirsty Childs doesn’t really need an introduction to who inspired it (*cough* Spiderman *cough*). The colours are vivid and the lashes and contacts really make it stand out. I reckon if you wanted to recreate this, it would still look great without those extras.

spiderman look

5. This look making it into position number 5 may be swayed by my soft spot for God of Thunder, Thor. I wish that the red came up just a little higher but other than that it is a fantastic reflection of Thor’s costume. 

thor look

4. Just to add a little bit of variety to the list I love this lip look created by Celine Nonon showing a clear resemblance to Captain America’s shield. Although it may look photoshopped there has been no manipulation. Although, it would be a bit hard to wear – you wouldn’t be able to eat, drink, talk, smile or do just about anything with your mouth. 

lips america

3. I adore this Wonder Woman design by Kirsty Childs. If you aren’t feeling this bold, I think even without the little stars and even the gold eyeliner this is a look that would still show Wonder Woman influences and could be worn on a night out or to parties. 

wonder woman

2. One for the Star Wars fans! This R2D2 inspired eye look was created by Jangsara.  It’s a little intricate but would go great with a R2D2 costume.

star wars make up 2

1.And the winner is…this Harley Quinn look by Kirsty Childs. The great contrast of colours with precise lines make it a great dramatic look while still paying homage to Harley Quinn. It would take a lot of patience to get the look spot on but it certainly pays off.


So there we have it, my top ten! Jangsara and Kirsty Childs both have many more looks inspired by comic book characters and Kirsty Childs has many special effects make up pictures which are amazing so be sure to check them out! Sahily is a fashion blogger who dabbles in many things including make up. She even has a Despicable Me 2 Minion look! Emma Pickles also has some amazing videos where she transforms into movie characters like Mystique and Edward Scissorhands. 

Be sure to check them all out at the following links:

Kirsty Childs
Emma Pickles
Celine Nonon

I'm a movie lover of all genres, particularly comic book films, as well as some television shows such as Community. I enjoy fiction writing and blog writing and I sometimes dabble in reviews.

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