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Monday, May 6, 2024

Star Trek Theme Park? Beam me up! – Concept art released

Spanish holidays could be on the cards for Star Trek fans in 2015.  Why? Because 270 miles southeast of Madrid in costal Alhama de Murcia, Paramount are constructing Paramount Park Murcia.  Aimed to be a wide ranging complex with offices, condos, restaurants, nightlife and most excitingly an area to be known as Plaza Futura.

Plaza Futura will feature futuristic buildings including a Star Fleet Spain Recruitment Centre (one can only hope this is an actual recruitment centre!), 3D simulator rides and a “warp speed” roller coaster.

The concept art, credit to Paramount, is certainly exciting and if it lives up to expectations, promises to be a holiday destination any Trekker will want as their next away mission!

Aside from Star Trek, the park will have rides and attractions ranging from Transformers to Indiana Jones, so even those rare people who don’t feel like spending their vacation in the 25th century will have something to do!  Furthermore, Paramount intends to use the park as a centre for all European film productions.

The exact specifics of the Paramount Theme Park have yet to be announced, but one thing is for sure, it will be a big development.

Fingers crossed it all goes to plan and these awesome pictures become a reality!






James Woodhead
James Woodheadhttps://www.geek-pride.co.uk
A retired World of Warcraft tank and sipper of the midnight coffee, James is now attached either to an Xbox or a keyboard as gaming, writing and the pursuit of all things sci-fi takes the command chair. If he's not ruining someones day in GTA Online, he can be found knee deep in his 4 year olds Lego...

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