When Marvel announced there would be a A-Babies vs. X-Babies tie in I was quite excited. X-Babies is a title I have been able to share with my 9 year old daughter, who I feel is still a little too young to be exposed to the awesomeness that is the X-Men. She loved it and wanted more, so I can’t wait to show her this. I love the art work on this variant cover by Chris Eliopoulos. Such a cute and innocent style. Marvel offers this sneak peek of #1, written by Skottie Young and Gurihiru [I guess a little spoilery if you aren’t following AvX]
[quote]It’s the tie-in to end all tie-ins coming at you from the creative team of writer Skottie Young and Gurihiru. The Phoenix is coming…and bringing the babies with it in an all-out war! Find out whom amongst the teams will live, who will die, and who will succumb to diaper rash. It’s non-stop action in the A-Babies vs. X-Babies #1 Eliopoulos Variant[/quote]
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