The Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition Kickstarter has massively exceeded their goals, raising enough not only release the new edition rules, but also a huge range of supplements, card decks, GM screens, artwork and the promise of much much more! This has been a real fan success, with over $400,000 raised!
This has been in part due to the amazing range of contributor rewards, including the obvious “name in the books”, plus full collections of books and PDF’s, customised leather bound books, all the way up to participation in an exclusive game run at Gencon 2013 by Sandy Petersen (original designed of Call of Cthulhu).
If you want to get on board, and be a part of this new release, or just get hold of some of the goodies on offer, there are 36 hours remaining to donate!
Now it just remains to see if they have continued to improve this system – in my opinion CoC is one of the few systems which has been improved with every new edition. They say that the new system has improved combat rules, improved character creation, new character sheets, better layouts, better skills descriptions and a new toolkit of advice on how to tailor the rules for your own preferences. Fingers crossed for another success, for both us players and for Chaosium – I can’t wait to play it!