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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Captain America: Civil War Trailer And Posters Arrive

Good Morning, I’ve just got off my night shift to some rather welcome news, to provide some context, let me present this short, imagined conversation.

Cinemagoer 1 – “You know what everybody says about Marvel movies right?”

Cinemagoer 2 – “Oh they’re pretty good, but the villains are always weak.”

Marvel Studios Exec – “Hello! I couldn’t help monitoring your conversation, and I have a solution for that…”


For the one of you unfamiliar with the basic premise, Civil War was a major Marvel comics event from a few years back that pitted basically all of Marvel’s heroes against each other over the subject of superhuman registration and submission to government orders, with the two opposing sides led by Cap and Iron Man.  So the closest thing this movie appears to have as a villain is Tony Stark, What a twist! etc.

Going on what we can glean from this trailer, that broad plot outline is basically as similar to the original comic as we’re going to get, and the spark that blows the whole thing up seems to be to do with Cap going to extreme measures protecting the now de-brainwashed Bucky. So anyone holding out for a Speedball cameo (just me?…anyone?…) is likely to be disappointed, though we do get a really good look at Black Panther here.

That said, this reporter declares this trailer to be both sick, and off the hook. Dig in…

*********************STOP PRESS*******************

As I was typing this up, posters for Civil War have also appeared, and they look marvelous. Gaze lovingly at them below….

captain_america_civil_war_2 captain_america_civil_war captain_america_civil_war_3

Captain America: Civil War opens on May 6th next year in the US, though we in the UK get it on April 29th.

*Smug face*

"Embittered ex-cinema projectionist spews his bile onto the crumbling, post-digital movie industry!" Also likes history, tabletop games, the original xbox, loud guitars, long walks on the beach, and comics.

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