AvX, because there’s always room for one more spinoff, continues in AvX Babies One-Shot, in which Lil’ Cyclops steals Baby Cap’s beloved Bucky Bear. Adorable hilarity ensues. Meanwhile, the grownups in AvX Consequences #2 are no longer duking it out, although what with Cyclops taking down a gang of prison inmates hell-bent on killing him, plus mentoring a brand new mutant, they’re really setting him up to be the new Magneto.
A long-absent character finally returns in Avengers #32 and does everything in her power to remind fans why they wanted her gone in the first place. Still, her enthusiasm is infectious, and I’m looking forward to seeing her back in action. Iron Man decides, after much self-reflection, to spend some time in the cold void of space in Invincible Iron Man #527.
Fan-favourite Wolverine stars in new ongoing Wolverine Max #1. What’s it like? I hear you sigh wistfully, looking up at me with your sweet, innocent eyes. Well let me start with the good news: it’s pretty much your standard Wolverine comic, but with the word “fuck” thrown in like sultanas in a curry- a useless addition that distracts from the real flavour. Wolverine gets amnesia. Yup. First issue of a new, more grown-up Wolverine comic and they decided to combine the groundbreaking elements of Wolverine and memory loss. But that’s not the worst bit. The worst thing, by far, is the art.
I shall spare you the picture of a bristly Logan giving a naked woman a rather vigorous cuddle- that’s not even a euphemism, they’re positioned so they physically can’t be having sex unless she has a ridiculously deep belly button. (I am so, so sorry for that sentence. So sorry.) The cartoon sweat drops give it a Carry On vibe, which is most definitely NOT what I expected and doesn’t deserve its association with the excellent Punisher Max and Deadpool Max. Go read Wolverine #315 instead; there’s less swearing, but at least you won’t have to take a bleach shower after reading it.
Remember that time I said it wasn’t such a big deal that Fantastic Four got cancelled because they still had FF? Me too, good times. So FF #23 is apparently the final issue, though it does a much more moving job of rounding off the series than Fantastic Four. Future Franklin Richards (long story) must go back to his own time, but not before getting in some quality time and a heartfelt farewell to the Four. Captain America #19 is also a moving final issue, with Steve Rogers vowing never to abandon the mantle of Captain America again. The effect of this is slightly diluted, however, by the ad directly following writer Ed Brubaker’s “thank you and goodnight” letter: a full-pager proudly proclaiming that THIS NOVEMBER, Cap will go to a different dimension in… CAPTAIN AMERICA #1! Deadpool #63? Also a final issue being re-released in November.
All this cancellation and re-starting is, of course, the start of Marvel NOW! For those unfamiliar with Marvel NOW! it’s basically exactly the same as DC’s New 52, but only affecting about a third of the Marvel universe, and with a slightly catchier title. Personally, I’m not fond of it. Not because of the re-start aspect of it, but because that damn exclamation mark confuses my computer and makes it start auto-capitalising stuff. Damn you Marvel NOW!, damn you to the depths of Limbo.
Batman’s been a busy bee this week, what with facing off against Scarecrow in Batman: The Dark Knight #13 and trying to bring down Leviathan in Batman Incorporated #4. Both comics are fantastic- Scarecrow’s past is revealed a little, and the picture drawn for him by the kidnapped child manages to be both heartwarming and horrifying. Batman Incorporated -yes, all of them- team up, the main players being Knight, Squire, Nightwing, Batwing, Robin (sorry, “Redbird”), Red Robin, a British guy who looks suspiciously like Azrael, and mysterious newcomer Wingman- whose identity caused so many fangirlish squees to come out of my mouth that I may have had my very own Canary Cry for a second there. Elsewhere in Gotham, Talon begins his quest to take down the Court of Owls that Batman lost interest in in Talon #1, reminding us that even a series in which Batman doesn’t appear is basically all about Batman.
Teen Titans #13 gives us the origin of Wonder Girl; whilst I’m a little annoyed that they didn’t put that as a #0 flashback last month, preferring instead to give us The Story of Tim because eight Bat-comics just aren’t enough, it’s a damn good story, and the appearance of the Mark of Trigon hints that perhaps Raven could be joining the Titans soon. Needless to say, I did the Canary Cry again. Meanwhile, Superman bench-presses the weight of the planet, quits the Daily Planet with a speech about Truth, Justice and the American Way, then gets thrown all the way to Ireland by an angry Kryptonian dinosaur in Superman #13. Suck it, Bats. The Flash #13 has the title ‘Gorilla Warfare’ and stars fan-favourite villain Gorilla Grodd, a character I’m convinced was only invented so they could use the title ‘Gorilla Warfare’. Flash must work together with the Rogues to take down Grodd, but the real shining moment is when a very familiar-looking bystander flees from the scene- I squeed so hard I Canary Cried a third time and broke a window.
Alien space zombies attack in Red Lanterns #13, proving once and for all that all the Guardians don’t know what the hell they’re doing and should really just stop with this whole “policing the universe” thing. Seriously, if you can’t see the downside to releasing a bunch of creatures who assimilate every living being into part their emotionless hive-mind, then possibly galactic peacekeeping is not for you.