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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Cosplay Interview #3 Katy Bear

The Third of our talented Cosplayers in this series, is called Katy, is from the Sates and has been playing the Cos for about 2 years now. With a wide variety of costumes, this relative newcomer to the “scene” is definitely cutting a name for herself and can only go from strength to strength in the future; we look forward to seeing what she has in store for us next!

You can check out all her pages below annnndd see what she had to say to us about life, Geekdom and cosplay… enjoy!


(have issues with the gallery, refresh your page or just use google chrome ;oD )

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The Girl behind the Cosplay

Your bio says you love Anime and video Games, I guess we will start there then; what are your top 5 Anime and Video Games? (and Why)

1. Witchblade, I absolutely adore this anime.
2. Pokemon is one of my favorite games, I’m currently playing Black 2.
3.Girls Bravo is another anime I really love and is also one if my first animes.
4. Fable, I really enjoy all the games.
5. Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z.

You a PC, Xbox, Wii or PS3 sort of Gal?

I started out as a Nintendo girl, I had an SNES for my first system. Now I probably play more X Box though. I do love me some World of Warcraft too ! It’s hard to choose!

What got you into Anime? You from a family of geeks?

I first started watching DBZ and it spiraled out if control from there! (Kidding!) I do come from a family of nerds, my mom and dad introduced me to Star Wars at a very young age. My mom even owns (and can play) an ocarina.

I saw in one of your vids you have a cat.. animal lover then? Any other pets?

I am definitely an animal lover! I am a strong believer in animal rights. I currently have 2 cats ( Kratos and Battlecat). I want to rescue a retired racing greyhound someday, they are extremely mistreated and are very sweet animals.

What’s the Day Job, or do you study at uni / college?

I work as a Pharmacy Technician but I would live to go back to school someday.

Any life goals or are you happy where you are?

Same answer as above! Want to go back to school, I love learning new things. I want to own a house of my own someday


How long have you been Cosplaying for and what got you started?

My first cosplay was Cammy from Street Fighter debuted at Con Nichiwa 2010.

I’m guessing you make your costumes yourself? If so how long does a costume usually take you to make and what was the hardest one to do so far?

It takes me anywhere from one day to two weeks. The hardest one I have made so far is my genderbend Smoke cosplay from Mortal Kombat 9.

Are there any characters out there that you would love to be but just don’t think you could pull it off?

Hm. Probably a Witchblde cosplay, I’m not as “well endowed” as she is… lol

You have two awards on your bio “I=V/R Gamer Girl Winner and Women of Comic Book Cosplay fan sign Winner; what are they all about?

The first one is kind of a joke. It’s not the company’s real name but basically what happened is I worked my ass off to get people to vote for me every day for 2 months and “I won” only to find out I didnt get the prize money or the trip to Gen Con that they promised. It was a bummer (they they also had the nerve to ask me to spend my own money to get to Gen Con to be their boothe girl anyway!). The Women of Comic Book Cosplay fan sign was a competition I won with a grand prize of awesome comic swag!

Any other awards out there that you really covet?

I just made it into the finals of a HUGH contest but I can’t disclose any more info than that for now! Stay tuned to my page for more details!

What Cons do you go to and what’s the best one in your opinion (and why)

I have only been to cons in Arizona and New Mexico. I like Saboten Con the best so far, but I am going to Anime Expo next year and am sooo excited!


General Geek stuff

What does Geek Pride (not the awesome website and FB page but the way of life) mean to you?

I think geek pride is owning who you are and being proud of who you are!

Starwars or Lord of the Rings?

Star Wars all the way!

You have been given one super power, what would it be and what would you do with it?

Healing factor, I’d be immortal. I would use it to fight crime and wouldn’t be afraid because I couldn’t die.

Anything else you would like to say?

I would like to thank everyone that has supported me from the bottom of my heart. I would not be where I am without you guys!

Matt Geary
Matt Gearyhttp://www.geek-pride.co.uk
From N.Ireland but now living in Manchester, England; Matt is the founder and CEO of Geek Pride. Interests: Photography, Music, Art, poetry, Military History, Model making and painting and of course gaming (table top and computer)

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