Ok so I’m a little late to the party with this one, but I thought I best let myself calm down a bit before writing an article otherwise I might be a little more than grumpy on this matter.
For years fans of Firefly have wished and hoped and dreamed for merchandise and been let down by the pitiful selection of quality Firefly/Serenity merch available, so have turned to fellow fans for their assistance. Fans of the show and mums who are handy with the knitting needles have been selling Jayne Cobb style hats for years without any backlash but it turns out that fairly recently Fox, who own the rights to Firefly and therefore any affiliated product, have cracked the whip on the unlicenced selling of shiny hats in the style of Jayne Cobb’s from episode 12 “The Message”, and are sending cease and disist notices out to Etsy sellers and are working their way around the internet as one by one these shops and sellers get reported.
There are still a few ninja Ma Cobb’s out there, and for those of you that aim to misbehave, I believe sellers can still be found here and there online who make them one by one with love and care and all the comfy home-knitted warmth you would expect from a hand-knitted hat from your very own Ma Cobb, but for those of you who would prefer to buy the licenced product Ripple Junction now have the rights to mass produce the Jayne hat and I believe you can find it over at Think Geek, though the price to get it posted to the UK isn’t pretty. The upside of that is that due to an uproar from Browncoats across the world all profits are being donated to charity Can’t Stop the Serenity who donate to the worthy cause of Equality Now (http://www.equalitynow.org/ for those interested) so we can’t be too grumpy… Honest…