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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Episode 129 – We we can’t have nice things….

New Gameovercast Podcast is online. Press the link below orrrrrr, as always, subscribe on I-Tunes to listen

Episode of 129 of the GameOverCast is up and at them!

This week Ninazu, Jay and Radar bring you fun frolics, and inappropriate behavior!
The show opens with Radar explaining absences of certain key individuals, Jay tells us of his XBOX woes, and it all goes down hill from there.
In games we talk Dark Souls, Far cry 3, PS4 discussions and plenty more besides.
In imminent releases we get excited for Dead Space 3, and try not to get our hopes up about Aliens: Colonial Marines….
News has Radarhead not impressed with talk of Valve Movies, via JJ Abrahms and Gabe Newell alliance…..
We close out with some awesome Emails, and a subject of the week: Gaming IPs you’d like to see layed to rest.


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