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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Episode 141 – Not the B-TEAM!

New Gameovercast Podcast is online. Press the link below orrrrrr, as always, subscribe on I-Tunes to listen


Episode 141 of the GameOverCast is up.

This weeks show is like no other, Neither of the Hosts are here, as Jay Santamaria and Major Tom make their power play for the host positions. Joining the devilish duo are none other than Kinichie and Danny.

The show opens with Tom getting uncomfortable about theme hospital, and generally everyone slagging off Danny (rightly so).

In Games we talk Farcry Blood Dragon, Football manager lite, Supreme commander, Assassins creed 3, Dark Souls and mucho mucho more!

News has the crew getting sidetracked with the departure of The Assassins Creed creator from Ubisoft, Questioning the always on, not always on confusion over the next Xbox, and more news besides.

A haphazard last minute quiz is brought to you by Jay, and against all odds, is actually awesome to listen to.

The show finishes with Kinichie bringing us a gaming word of the week: GG.




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