The adaptation of Powers, the critically acclaimed comic from Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming which follows former superhero turned homicide detective Christian Walker and his partner Deena Pilgrim of the Powers Division dealing with murders committed by those with superpowers, has just got its first trailer straight via NYCC.
The series which is set to appear on Playstation’s streaming network stars District 9, Elysium star Sharlto Copley as Walker and Susan Heyward as his partner Deena Pilgrim. The casting of Michelle Forbes as Retro Girl indicates the series will be based on the first arc of the Bendis/ Oeming comic which features Walker and Pilgrim investigating the death of well known and thought invulnerable superhero Retro Girl.
The trailer narrated by Copley’s Walker sets the tone for the adult oriented police procedural as Pilgrim is assigned to Walker and a handful of characters are quickly introduced, it also manages to pack an impressive number of f bombs into its scant 90 seconds.