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Saturday, July 27, 2024

GEEK OF THE WEEK # 2 – Ash Warwick

[box_light]If you would like to be our next Geek of the Week then get in contact with us on facebook or email us @ Content@geek-pride.co.uk and tell us why you deserve the honour… photos and vids help btw![/box_light][box_light][/box_light]
It is Geek Pride’s great pleasure to announce to you that, Ash Warwick, is this weeks


Ash is 15, from the UK and is the creator of a Web Comic called “A Joy Filled Life’

He likes gaming on his Xbox, PC, PS1 + 2, gameboy and loves Retro as well as comics



You can see more of Ash’s Comics HERE
 We had a chat with Ash to find out a bit more about his Geekdom…
  • 1. Our Second Geek of the week; anyone you’d like to thank for getting you to this pinnacle of geekdom?[quote]Errm…I’de have to say every games developer and comic writer/ artist! ;D [/quote]
  • 2. So how long have you been doing webcomics for and is there a theme to them or just pretty much what ever takes your fancy?[quote] I’ve been drawing since I was little but have only been doing webcomics since July (so I’m fairly new) At the moment there is no theme no, It’s pretty much what ever takes my fancy, normal I’de think up a comic whilst talking to friends[/quote]
  • 3. do you take inspiration from any other webcomics?[quote]Definitely, I take inspiration from quite a lot actually, cyanide and happiness, theoatmeal and xkcd to name a few :p [/quote]
  • 4. You say you love everything Retro, so what are the most Geeky Retro things you own?[quote]The most geeky retro things I own would be my original gameboys, I pretty much have the evolution of gameboy and alot of consoles from my childhood as well as the original games![/quote]
  • 5. DC or Marvel?[quote] marvel, always! You just can’t beat deadpool! [/quote]
  • 6.. Who’d win in a fight between Super Marion and Sonic and why?[quote]Sonic, probably because Mario can only really jump on his opponents to cause damage where as Sonic can do a lot more, also Sonic’s speed would definitely give him an advantage![/quote]
  • 7. Anything else you’d like to tell us?[quote]Erm…Not really, other than your page and site is awesome and that my webcomics site should be up pretty soon so hopefully you guys could check it out soon XD [/quote]
Matt Geary
Matt Gearyhttps://www.geek-pride.co.uk
From N.Ireland but now living in Manchester, England; Matt is the founder and CEO of Geek Pride. Interests: Photography, Music, Art, poetry, Military History, Model making and painting and of course gaming (table top and computer)

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