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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Geek Pride vid of the Play Expo 2012

While at the play expo I messed around with some video.. sadly my camera was too heavy for the steadi cam I had, so it is not nice and smooth like the awesome vids from the guys at Sneaky Zebra. 🙁

Anyway, I hope you enjoy; more vids, from more events coming soon!

If you like the music, that my band playing

www.facebook.com/skinthepig and www.skinthepig.com

Matt Geary
Matt Gearyhttps://www.geek-pride.co.uk
From N.Ireland but now living in Manchester, England; Matt is the founder and CEO of Geek Pride. Interests: Photography, Music, Art, poetry, Military History, Model making and painting and of course gaming (table top and computer)

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