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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Graphic Designer to the Geeks really wants to work on S.H.E.I.L.D

Adam Levermore is THE graphic designer to the geeks. He has worked with the likes of super geek Wil Wheaton, Zac Levi and Felicia Day to produce logos for their projects. He is the creator of the officially licensed Serenity posters as well as many many other awesome geek project. 

So when S.H.E.I.L.D was given the green light, Adam Levermore gathered together some of his friends and made a video to audition to be the designer for the project. His staged interview with the organisation S.H.E.I.L.D, it hosts some special guests and a high production value. He states on his blog that the project went from an idea to completed in two weeks, with a little help from his friends. He also says:


[quote]The stated goal of this short film is to catch the eye of the production designer for the S.H.I.E.L.D. TV show, and hopefully be so impressive that hiring me is a no-brainer. I realized, though, that it’s much more than that. The finished piece wound up being so high-quality that it stands alone as a spotlight for my design work[/quote]

He designed everything on the video except the building and the clothes the actors are wearing. Quite frankly anyone willing to go to this much effort with such an awesome portfolio deserves to be given the chance. Here is his video, fingers crossed for him:

Becca Harper
Becca Harperhttp://geekparenting.tumblr.com/
Editor and occasional writer for Geek Pride! I prefer Star Trek over Star Wars, collect comics and wish I could be a superhero one day. I tabletop RPG as well as a little gaming, design the odd t-shirt now and again, update my Geek Parenting Tumblr and when I have cash to spend (which is rare) I scour the internet for Wonder Woman collectables. Also Doctor Who and Firefly rock!!

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