Ian McNaught-Davis has passed away at the age of 84.
A giant of what is now a bygone era, the dawn of home computing, Ian McNaught-Davis brought computers to the masses in the UK, presenting The Computer Programme, Making The Most of The Micro and Micro Live in the 1980’s.
He was the public face of the BBC Computer Literacy Project, and a pioneer in an entirely new type of TV show. His formal style and technology predictions (ranging from full on crazy, to scarily accurate) are now embedded in the minds of so many like me who spent big chunks of the 1980’s copying code into a BBC Micro.
He was also a well renowned mountaineer and president of the International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation from 1995 to 2004. As well as the president of the British Mountaineering Council, and a speaker for and supporter of the Computer Conservation Society.
He was one of the many unsung heroes who have helped shape the technological world we all now enjoy so much. Thanks for everything and rest in peace Ian McNaught-Davis.