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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Marvel ‘Big Three’ Update!

Marvel seems to be shaking down it’s core superheroes to give them new life, and giving some new character’s the center stage!

Steve Rogers has not been so good lately, coming out from an event which not only knocked the wind from him – but also the Super Soldier Serum that has been keeping him so young and fit for all these years. There have been rumors about who was going to take up the Shield in his place, but Marvel has recently been announced the heir to the title – Sam Wilson, better known as the Falcon.

Sam Wilson, the New Captain America

Remender very recently commented on what the past two years have been leading up to;

“Historically, Falcon would often act as air support, flying Steve into the battle. Why not merge the two? He pops the wings, and as he flies, he keeps the shield latched onto his back. He dives down onto the scene, hurls the shield, wings retract, and rolls into a kick or jump, catches the shield on the way back. He doesn’t have the super soldier serum, but he has the added zing-zang-zoom of flight.”

Wilson will not be facing the upcoming threats of HYDRA alone – Steve will act as support for the new Captain America from training to tactics…whilst we will also see the return of Ian, Steve’s adopted son from Dimension Z, who has taken up the mantle of Nomad.

Sam Wilson has previously used the Shield before whilst Steve Rogers was injured, but has not been the first black Captain America. That honour belongs to the character Isaiah Bradley, whose story was the centerpiece of the 2003 limited series Truth: Red, White & Black. Isaiah is also the grandfather of Elijah Bradley (Patriot of the first incarnation of the Young Avengers).

Another of Marvel’s ‘Big Three’ to see a change was Thor, who was recently announced to be passing down Mjolnir to someone more worthy. The exact details of this are unclear, but to quote series writer Jason Aaron;

"More like 'Phwoar!" He said, sexistly
Not She-Thor/Lady Thor/Thorita. Just Thor.

“This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is THOR. This is the THOR of the Marvel Universe. But it’s unlike any Thor we’ve ever seen before”

In order to further dispel any rumors that the God of Thunder would be undergoing a sex change (similar to his adopted brother Loki), Marvel have released a picture of ‘Unworthy Thor’, who wields his ax Jarnbjorn, a weapon he wielded in his youth before he had even picked up Mjolnir. Whilst the ax cannot control the storms or propel him though the air, it does happen to have the power to slay gods. Recently it was stolen by Kang and the Apocalypse Twins, and become a pivotal item in Remender’s Uncanny Avengers storyline. If you look closely, you can also see that his left arm is now a metallic substitute – supposedly the arm of the Destroyer, which replaces one he lost in a recent battle with the son of Apocalypse.

Thor, looking a bit rough around the edges

If you read Thor: God of Thunder, then you will also notice the similarities to the future God King Thor…complete with metal arm and ragged beard.

Finally, Marvel has announced that come 2015, we shall have a brand new group of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, labelled as Avengers NOW initiative…it features the brand new Captain America and female Thor alongside some rather interesting faces.

Avengers NowSo, to cap off the changes to Marvel’s ‘Big Three’, we have Iron Man, sporting a new suit of armour which will debut in November for Superior Iron Man! The traditional red and yellow (and more recent black and gold) have been switched out for a futuristic white/silver overlay, which gives this new suit a futuristic look. Fans may notice that the title switch seems oddly similar to the recent Superior Spider-Man, which saw Doctor Octopus take control of Peter Parker’s life, in and out of the Spidey suit…all that we’ve been told is that although it is not Otto in control here, the Superior Iron Man will be “a character that’s hard to root for”.

Superior Iron Man

Along with the new Thor, we also have another Asgardian…Angela, who has been revealed through Marvel’s Original Sin event to be Thor (and Loki’s) sister! This shouldn’t be the only awkward relationship to look forward to, as Bucky seems to be joining the team – and I suspect he’ll want to have words with Sam about the responsibilities of wielding the Shield of their mentor…

Another duo to keep your eye on would be the Queen of the Inhumans, Medusa, and Inferno – a recent addition to the Inhuman ranks (and Marvel Universe), who was introduced in the Inhuman comic series earlier this year. Marvel has promised that the Inhumans will recieve more page time in the future, and no doubt have plans for them…

Scarlet Witch, Ant-Man, Doctor Strange and Deathlok round off the team. Personally, of these four I am most interested in Deathlok – his recent appearance in Marvel’s Agents of Shield series, his ‘rebooted’ Original Sins origin and his upcoming comic series show that Marvel is trying to do something interesting with this character…

Daniel Delargy
Daniel Delargy
I read. I write. I play.

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