Dear Fellow Role-players,
I am keen to find out if there is any correlation or pattern between our real life selves and the characters we create. To assist on this endeavour I am asking for help from role-players to gather information to write an article. So no matter what systems, genres or characters you play I am looking for your input. I am insisting that the characters you talk about are from a pen and paper role-play as this will be the basis of my article.
If you are interested then firstly you are awesome and secondly you need to click on the link below and answer the questions. Alternatively you can download the document and e-mail it to [email protected]
Once I have your responses I will collate the information and come to some kind of conclusion. Your assistance shall be acknowledged if you want it to be, otherwise I’ll refer to you as something cool like Mr X or Mistress Awesome, the choice is yours.
Document: questionnaire rpg