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Monday, February 17, 2025

Spiel Essen 2013 – The Mecca of Board Gaming!

This is the big one folks! For those who don’t know, Spiel (full name: Internationale Spieltage) is one of the biggest board and card gamer events of the year. Held in Essen, Germany, Spiel sees over 140,000 geeks, nerds and your run of the mill normies turning cards, rolling bones and scooting meeples.

This event is HUGE!

This year the four day event will be held from the 24th to the 27th of October, and promises to be bigger than ever, with highlights including:

– 3 massive halls of games, playtesters, vendors and of course, players!

– Arenas dedicated to LARPing, and cosplayers in all manner of sci-fi and fantasy garb

– A kiddy friendly zone with soft play areas and mini-trikes

It’s debatable who will be having more fun – the kids or the grown-ups!


– The chance to meet some world famous designers and publishers, and get your favourite game signed if you ask real nice (or present beer, this also generally works well!)

– COMIC ACTION – A spin off into the world of Comics, with artists and writers giving talks and performing signings

– ME!!! (OK, maybe not the best incentive, but I’m going to be there soaking up the atmosphere and melting my credit card!)

So if your serious about your card/board/LARP/war gaming, this is the greatest place to see what’s new, what’s hot and what’s next!


Check out this vid for more details; hope to see some of you geek peeps there!



Images courtesy of www.merz-verlag-en.com

Bevan Clatworthy
Bevan Clatworthy
An avid board and card gamer, this displaced Cornishman has spent way too much time playing games and skulking around his local hobby shops. He later escaped to Swindon, the land of roundabouts, where he currently designs games whilst infecting those who stand still too long with his gaming lurgy.

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