Article by Andrew Corban
Lad culture has never been bigger; it’s all over TV and littered across social media sites – but how do you determine the ultimate lad? If you eat your own bodyweight in nachos, topped with an entire cow, but do it looking more preened than the entire cast of TOWIE, are you still a lad? What if you come first in a triathlon, only to be greeted at the finishing line by your adoring mum clutching Smudge, your pet pug?
Thankfully, Ladbrokes Casino recognised this problem and surveyed the nation in order to separate the champs from the chumps. Unsurprisingly, crying during a film was deemed by 34% of respondents to be unmanly, with nearly 9% going as far to say a maximum 5 lad points be stripped for such an act! The modern day lad does need to show his emotion and have a softer side however, as a large number of women considered it commendable for men to blubber at a sad film.
To clear up any confusion over this matter, a list of films deemed acceptable to cry at was determined. Unsurprisingly, girly weep-fest classics, Titanic and The Notebook were both on there –we’ve all cried at these films haven’t we lads…lads?!
We were surprised to see Disney classic Bambi on the list –you can’t cry at the part when his mum dies, but then happily order a venison burger at your local pub now can you?! Marley and Me also made an appearance – would you give your best mate a lad point if you found out he broke down in front of his other half watching this Jennifer Aniston chick-flick, or would you send him to the dog house?!
Something that both sexes could both agree on was that male selfies are simply not an option for any self-respecting lad. 23% of men and 22% of women agreed that a man seen clutching his smart phone, top off in front of the mirror, is most definitely not a lad and should have the maximum five points deducted. You have been warned.
So how do you think you would fare as a modern day lad? Can you grow what most would consider an ‘epic beard’ or are you part of the bum-fluff brigade? Are you a force to be reckoned with when faced with a Man Vs Food type challenge, or are you the kind of bloke that wimps out and orders a glass of milk with your korma? Rather than ponder over it, why not man-up and head over to the Ladbrokes Casino quiz to see where you stand in the pecking order. Go on, don’t be frightened…