With December coming up so is the Twisted Tails Film Festival (TTFF), one that is dedicated to independent horror movies. The festival organizers combine, according to their own description, two things when it comes to TTFF. A love for independent horror films and a love of animals. I must admit I wasn’t sure how these two go hand in hand and several gory scenarios have gone through my mind, but an explanation was provided by Tamela Ehlinger (the talent and guest booker of the festival). The proceeds that come from organizing the festival go towards helping animals in need (Paws in the city), and the festival doesn’t accept movies that feature animals being abused or killed. Kudos to that rule, a rule that I am told will never be broken, no matter who wants to showcase their film.
Started in 2011, the festival has quickly grown from being a one movie venue, to having several movies signed up, with numerous actors, film makers and more joining the guest list. This year the festival organizers boast with a guest list that includes: Tom Mac, Scott Tepperman, Chanel Ryan, Wyzae, Corey Feldman and Andrew Divoff, to name only a few. For three days they, alongside several other guests will be part of workshops, conferences and movie screenings. Here are some of the movies that can be seen at the festival: Jebadiah’s Axe, Whispers behind the Wall (Die Frau hinter der Wand), Sacrement. The list is much longer and I am sure there’s something for every horror movie lover out there.
The festival starts on the 5th of December and lasts until the 7th and it will take place at the Angelika Film Centre in Dallas, Texas. For more information, visit their official website and watch this space.