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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zombicide Season 3 hits Kickstarter!

Zombicide is back for Season 3! Recently launched on Kickstarter (go here for the link), the latest instalment has already smashed its goal of $100,000 – in three days!

As always, a lot of stuff in the box!

So why all the hubbub? Well, the first Season of Zombicide was a phenomenal hit for the company Coolminiornot, which raised $781,597 as it funded. They later built on this success with Season 2, adding new survivors, new zombie types and new settings to their post-apocalyptic world of zombie infestation.

Season 3 (the Rue Morgue) is promising to deliver even bigger changes. Set a while after the initial outbreak, the world has become dilapidated, with buildings crumbling and resources becoming scarce. Only the most hardened have survived, with groups of tried and tested warriors inhabiting the crumbling cities.

The new A-Bomb Abomination!

But what does this mean to the gamers? Well here is a few of the new features in Season 3:

– New zombies: Skinner Zombies, Crawlers, and the A-Bomb Abomination!

– A plethora of new weapons and items to scrounge from the humanities leftovers

– New setting tiles, introducing the hospital. Is it chocked full of supplies, or just the shuffling corpses of the deceased?

– Competitive play: Teams! Players can now square off against other groups of survivors led by other players in a bid to reach their objectives first. But beware; the zombies don’t get any easier!

– New Team actions, allowing for military style tactics where all the survivors coordinate into single Actions such as group Move or Shoot.

The newest feature: Team play

Not only that, but the first expansion for Season 3, Angry neighbours, has been included as part of the Kickstarter campaign, promising to introduce even more variety into the mix (I’m particularly intrigued by the Seeker zombies that hunt you mercilessly!).

Intrigued? I know I am, as I loved the first two Seasons and the third is promising to be a great addition to the series. Check out the video below for more details!

Images and video courtesy of the Zombicide Season 3 Kickstarter page.

Bevan Clatworthy
Bevan Clatworthy
An avid board and card gamer, this displaced Cornishman has spent way too much time playing games and skulking around his local hobby shops. He later escaped to Swindon, the land of roundabouts, where he currently designs games whilst infecting those who stand still too long with his gaming lurgy.

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