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Friday, May 3, 2024

Be immortalised, sort of, in Terry Moore’s Rachel Rising.

Comic fans have got a chance to be immortalised, kind of, as indie comics writer/ artist Terry Moore is running a competition. The prize? Getting brutally murdered in his current comic Rachel Rising by the 10 year old serial killer Zoe who has been leaving a trial of bodies in her wake.KillMeZoe-pic-306x500

The winner will also win the original art featuring their death, which as conversation pieces go is pretty awesome, signed and dedicated to them.

The rules are simple, as Moore puts it,

“Put the words RACHEL RISING on display to the public and send me a photo.2. Do not deface somebody else’s property.That’s it. Those are the rules. The winning photo will capture either a very public display of RACHEL RISING, or your photo was taken in private but is so beautiful cool it goes viral.

So a homemade RACHEL RISING T-shirt has just as much chance of winning as the owner of a building who drops a banner down one side, depending on the T-shirt photo’s number of internet reposts. Creativity and fun will level the playing field.It can be big scale or small, pro or amateur, the thing is how many people saw it at the time, or see it in reposts. Either the winning moment is in the photograph or it’s in the viral activity once the photo is posted.

It’s all about exposure and how creative you were to get it. You can hold a sign up at the Super Bowl or write RACHEL RISING all over yourself with a Sharpie. Write RACHEL RISING in huge letters in the snowy slope downtown or pin a sign on auntie’s butt and follow her around the mall taking pictures. Just have fun, because a photo posted online with 800 likes would be a stronger candidate than a photo taken in front of 50 people.Unless the photo with 50 people went viral. That would be cool, too. The more exposure for RACHEL RISING the better. I will choose the winner based on equal parts creativity/fun/public exposure of the words RACHEL RISING, either during the shot or after the shot is posted.”

For more details GO HERE

Andy Haigh
Andy Haigh
Andy Haigh started writing to counteract the brain atrophying effects of Retail Hell, now it's an addiction. Andy is an unrepentant sequential art absorbist and comics are one of his passions. Other interests include Film, Music, Science Fiction and Horror novels and quality TV like Game of Thrones. He can talk about these at great length if only someone would listen. He lives a somewhat hermit like life in The Shire, spends too much time on social media and is still waiting to go on an adventure.

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