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Friday, May 3, 2024

HorrorCon UK 2016

And now for something completely different.  Mostly.

Given the success of American Horror Story and The Walking Dead, it seems horror has entered the mainstream.  There has been a proliferation of sci-fi conventions in recent years, therefore it is no surprise that horror conventions have begun to appear.

HorrorCon UK is one such horror convention.   It is a prime opportunity for connoisseurs of horror to mingle with like-minded fiends in an atmospheric space to celebrate the weird and wonderful world of horror in all its mediums.

Special guests for HorrorCon UK include the prolific actor and author Doug Bradley, who is best known for playing Pinhead, AKA “The Dark Prince of Pain, Angel of Suffering and Leviathan’s Lord of the Damned” (try saying that after a few beers) in eight of the Hellraiser films.

Also appearing will be the actor, stuntman and author Kane Hodder, best known for his portrayal of Jason Vorhees in the Friday the 13th films, as well as taking Jason Vorhees into space with Jason X. Kane is also recognized for his role as swamp killer Victor Crowley in Hatchet, a role he continued in the two sequels.

Joining them will be Scream Queen and B-movie aficionado Emily Booth, who first appeared in the madcap ’60s-esque love-fest Pervirella.  Since then, Emily has since appeared in Cradle of Fear, Inbred, Evil Aliens and Doghouse.

Not forgetting the literary side, there will also be Graham Masterton.  Graham is one of the world’s bestselling horror authors, having won several awards for his stories.  His first novel, The Manitou, was made into a film with Tony Curtis in the lead role. Three of Graham’s horror stories have also been adapted by the late Tony Scott for his TV series The Hunger.

Alongside Graham will be the award-winning graphic novelist Nick Percival.  For two years, Nick created artwork for Clive Barker’s Hellraiser comic book series and designed the new female ‘Pinhead’ character.  He was also the first horror artist to win the prestigious Rondo Hatton Horror Award in 2014 for Best Cover Artwork

There will be a series of Q & A sessions, as well as live SPFX make-up demonstrations throughout the event, indie film screenings and live music from the zombie band Iron Sphincter.

There will also be a Scare-play (bit like cosplay, but spookier) competition for those dressing in costume and brave enough to enter.

Finally, there will also be a horror market, selling everything from clothes and original art, to cakes and homewares.

HorrorCon UK will be held next month on the 9th and 10th July at the Magna Adventure Centre, near Sheffield.  Tickets can be bought in advance here.

Peter Ray Allison
Peter Ray Allisonhttp://www.peterallison.net
Science Fiction: the final frontier. These are the articles of the freelance journalist Peter Ray Allison. His continuing mission: to explore strange new realms of fiction, to seek out new genres and new visions of the future, to boldly geek where no one has geeked before.

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