Amazon debuted the pilot for the Zombieland series directed by Eli Craig (Tucker & Dale vs Evil), and it seems that it’s a swing and a miss. And if you swing at a zombie and miss, it’s going to eat your face.
So the Zombieland TV series is a no-go, and officially dead in the water. Although Amazon decided they weren’t going to take the series up, they have said that the creators are welcome to develop it further without them.
At the moment though it seems that director Eli Craig will move on to helm “Little Evil” (according to The Hollywood Reporter), which sounds like the project he mentioned while doing press for Tucker & Dale that he called “Evil Kid”.
This is definitely a shame, as Zombieland was originally conceived as a series I’d liked to have seen it develop. However – it’s ripe for Netflix to pick it up now… if they were so inclined.