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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Final Space – a Netflix series

New to Netflix in the UK, Final Space is a remake or even a sequel to a YouTube series of the same name. Where in a lonely Prisoner, Gary, chances to meet an Alien creature, named Mooncake, who happens to be a planet destroying weapon. 

Created by Olan Rodgers the show was championed by Conan O’Brien who became executive producer and helped get it onto Netflix.

Now I’d seen this advertised and skipped over it a few times while looking for shows on Netflix but hadn’t overly been that interested.. counting down the days until Rick and Morty came back.. but my sister said she’d just watched it and that it was hilarious. Having nothing better to do I sat down to watch an episode… 10 episodes later and the show finished I sat back to gather my thoughts.

Final Space is funny, engaging, well thought out and quite poignant when it wants to be. The entire show is super over the top but with an under lying current of heart and warmth, made all the more so by well selected and placed music. 

Its not original per-say and you will find a lot of things familiar…I liken it to getting Guardians of the Galaxy, Rick and Morty, Team America and Futurama, sticking them in a blender and the resultant soup is Final Space. But where it lacks originality it makes up for in substance and story arch. Each episode starting the same way and the plot linking together for a finale in episode 10; an ending you might not be expecting.

This perhaps is why it has had some bad reviews.. the familiarity and over the top nature coupled with an apparent over use of the poignant, moody music trope , can, to some, feel like a painting by numbers exercise. But for me it’s a case of taking the best bits from other beloved shows and putting it together in a way that gives each franchise a nod but all the while keeping its own character and feel. 

Gary is a douchebag, but despite the odd selfish moment, a selfless douchebag who will do anything for his friends, even KVN, and goes from being a lonely prisoner, to a popular captain, who’s motivation is the preservation of his crew / friends and the safety of the world.. universe.

A great show, hard hitting and funny.. worth a watch.

Matt Geary
Matt Gearyhttps://www.geek-pride.co.uk
From N.Ireland but now living in Manchester, England; Matt is the founder and CEO of Geek Pride. Interests: Photography, Music, Art, poetry, Military History, Model making and painting and of course gaming (table top and computer)

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