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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hacking Is Our Weapon – New Watch Dogs Trailer

“They think I’m a man out of control, but I’ve never had so much control.” The closing line of Ubisoft‘s new Watch Dogs trailer is the moniker for the whole game – control. Married with the tagline “Hacking is our weapon”, one can only imagine the limitless possibilities that are created from such a game mechanic.

Watch Dogs

Ubisoft dropped the latest trailer for arguably one of the most anticipated games of the year yesterday, and with me not being the most patient of guys, I’m practically chewing my own arm off in anticipation!

The trailer itself had quite a Grand Theft Auto vibe about it, with the music and cinematic tone – but mash that together with some nice slow-motion explosions and shattering glass… and you’re leaning more towards a blockbuster movie feel to it.

As for the trailer content – hacking, surveillance, foot-chases, car chases, motorbikes, riding on trains, varied hand-to-hand combat, gunplay… Ubisoft have basically given me a gamer’s wet dream, wrapped it in a one and a half minute package and dangled it 7 months away.

Shut Up & Take My Money!

Anyway, so that you can share in my simultaneous glee and despair, here’s the trailer to leave you drooling:

Watch Dogs will hit current & next gen consoles on November 22nd… and if it’s not playable at The Eurogamer Expo, I’m going to kill someone.

James Buckingham
James Buckinghamhttps://www.geek-pride.co.uk
Movie and videogame geek, basketball player, guitarist, waffle connoisseur & expert in being a slacking bastard. You'll find me gaming on PS4 as "SpasmicPuppy" most of the time... I'm addicted to Destiny.

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