A viral ad for fictional cab company “Hadouken Cabs” has been making the rounds on the interwebs this week, and I totally wish it was real! What appears to be a cheesy Street Fighter spoof ad is actually a more subversive PS4 advert.
You can view the ad below in all it’s glory, complete with authentic Street Fighter 2 sound effects throughout. Beautifully cheesy and silly, it’s nice to see Sony going for something humourous rather than their previous more disturbing efforts (Remember the creepy baby PS3 ad, anyone?)
The ad does make me speculate on the possibility of a new Next Gen Street Fighter title, and typically both Sony and Capcom are keeping decidedly schtum on the subject.
There are a few details in the advert that raise some eyebrows when you delve deeper too:
- The phone number on screen is 0830-1987-KO, or 30th August, 1987… the original release date of the first Street Fighter title.
- There’s a website posted – http://www.hadoukencabs.com Again, it’s ingeniously cheesy – it even has Geocities-esque hitcounters. Also if you pay attention to the copyright notice, it spans from 1987-2013. Clicking on the “talk to an operator” button provides an interesting audio clip too.
All in all, I’m excited about what this could potentially mean. At present we’re distinctly lacking in information, but I’m sure as the PS4’s release date looms ever closer we’ll be able to glean a little more.