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Monday, December 2, 2024

Geek Art = Good Art: Halloween Special

Geek Art  is Good Art

by Ben Fee 26/10/2011

Ray Villafane and zombie pumpkin

Halloween is almost upon us and, along with glow-in-the-dark vampire teeth and tiny Mars Bars, nothing says All Hallows Eve like a freshly carved pumpkin grin. But while most of us are content with a few hastily hacked triangles over a wonky crescent, some people have a little more…spirit.

This week: Ray Villafane

Food sculptor (it’s a thing!) Ray Villafane has raised pumpkin carving to an art form with his series of awesomely detailed productions. Villafane, who has worked for DC and Marvel Comics carving sculptures for their collectibles division, started turning fruit into art as a hobby back round the turn of the century and has since knocked out some stunning work.

Take a butchers for yourself: Pisses all over my comedy “pumpkin vomiting its own insides” effort. And these are not even Mr Villafane’s crowning achievement. This year the artist got his hands on the world’s largest pumpkin and, in New York’s Botanical Gardens, did the only sensible thing you can do with a giant gourd. He turned it into an epic zombie monsterpiece.

Check out more of Ray’s pumpkin work at his website here:


For more about the giant zombie pumpkin and an awesome time-lapse video of it’s creation, click here: http://laughingsquid

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Ben Fee
Ben Fee
Trapped in the past, Ben Fee finds himself leaping from life to life, putting things right that once went wrong, and hoping each time that his next leap will be the leap home..........

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