It has been floating around the web for a while that Paul Bettany will don Vision’s costume, teaming up with the Avengers for the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron, but until recently there has been no confirmation of these rumours. That is until Paul Bettany told the world, during an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, that Marvel has decided to give him something more to do within their Cinematic Universe than voicing J.A.R.V.I.S.
For those that aren’t “in the know” The Vision is an android superhero that is a member of the Avengers and (obviously) helps them out with various threats. But what he’ll be able to do in the upcoming film is still a mystery, as is the way his costume will look like, given that the modern incarnations of our favourite heroes and villains have all been altered (to great effect, if I may say so myself). Everyone is very tight-lipped about everything and anything surrounding the events of the soon to be released movie (and by that I do mean it’s coming out in about a year or so), with the running gag of there being a sniper at the ready to take out anyone that dares let out the smallest bit of information about what they’re plotting to do.
Given The Vision’s connection to Ultron, the addition of this character seems fitting and no worries, I will not spoil any important plot points for you, though I do believe that there’s a fifty year expiry date for spoilers, so others might not be as nice as I am. Marvel hasn’t failed its fans so far and given Paul Bettany’s skills when it comes to his craft, I think he’ll be a fitting addition to the other great names that have graced our screens since superhero movies have made a comeback.
Despite his reservations at giving up the cushy job of voicing Tony Stark’s constant companion JARVIS for a more active role within Marvel’s universe, I am quite happy to see him as The Vision and I am sure that no one will be disappointed in how things will turn out. I guess we’ll see in about a year whether I’m right or the nay-sayers – since there are quite a few of those around – have won this round.