Nearly two years has past since the news that Arnold Schwarzenegger would be back as King Conan, in what would be the third instalment of the Conan franchise (if you bypass the Jason Mamoa debacle). Well, there has finally been some news, Fredrik Malmberg, a producer of The Legend of Conan told ‘TheArnoldFans‘ that the script which is being written by Andrea Berloff is close to finishing. ‘We want to polish up the script, specifically about the characters.‘ Malmberg, who was speaking in an exclusive interview with ‘TheArnoldFans’ states that they hope to have the finished script turned in around September and hopefully start production in the Spring of 2015.
As of yet no director has been confirmed, though Malmberg has said, ‘A lot of directors have come forth and expressed interest and that they like Conan and want to be involved.‘ It’ll be interesting to see when Universal actually make any official announcement about the film, as they will not wish to take focus away from the release of Terminator 5: Genisys already pencilled in for summer 2015.
After not hearing any more for nearly two years, it is my opinion that it is likely to get green lighted for a 2016 release. Despite not being as big of a box office draw as he used to be, there is already a lot of buzz about Schwarzenegger reprising his role in Terminator, and what with Conan being the 67-year-olds second best franchise, it feels like there would be some interest in seeing the end of the Conan trilogy.
Though don’t ever mention age or the fact he could be too old for another Conan film to the man himself who had this to say about reaching the perfect age to play the grey bearded king: ‘Age doesn’t mean anything to me. I work out every day, I work out twice a day, as a matter of fact. At night I work out with weights, and in the morning I do cardiovascular training. So for me, to get on the set and to swing the sword around again and to ride the horses and all those things doesn’t mean anything [does not scare me], because I feel like I did thirty years ago. So as long as I stay in shape, that’s the key thing, and to keep your body young.‘