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Saturday, July 27, 2024

NerdVsWorld, Episode 2: A Fistful of Nerds.

Great new episode from team NVW.. listen by clicking the link below:




Welcome back to NerdVsWorld, Episode 2: A Fistful of Nerds.

In this weeks show Bren, Si and Ady discuss X-Men casting announcements, wrestling robots, Justice League woes, as well as discussing the big topic of J.J.Abrams and Star Wars.

The musical interlude this week is provided by Jon Liddell. (http://www.reverbnation.com/jonliddell) You can like his page on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/jonliddellmusic Go on and share the love.

As always remember to “Like” our page at www.facebook.com/NerdVWorld in order to stay up to date with podcast announcements, and to get involved with the show. We want to hear from you.

You can also follow us on Twitter at: @NerdVsWorld@spindlyone@kaosady

Until next time, Take care, and be excellent to each other.


Matt Geary
Matt Gearyhttps://www.geek-pride.co.uk
From N.Ireland but now living in Manchester, England; Matt is the founder and CEO of Geek Pride. Interests: Photography, Music, Art, poetry, Military History, Model making and painting and of course gaming (table top and computer)

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