Welcome gamers one and all! Allow me introduce you to a new and very promising web series. Nights of the Round Table -from Redshirtfilms, is a fortnightly comedy based around one gaming groups search for a fifth player.
Opening with a dramatic fail, episode one introduces us to the four; Max (Arron Dennis) – it’s his mum’s house, Milly (Jennifer Jordan) – the GM and strict keeper of the rules with a stick to help, Harmony (Amelia Tyler) – rock chick whom may or may not be a murderer and finally Sam (James Rotchell) – the new boy who would be much happier down the pub drowning his sorrows.
Packed with all the geek references and tabletop lingo you can handle, it’s refreshing to watch something about role playing that doesn’t follow the stereotypes upheld by mainstream media – yes Big Bang I’m talking about you. For example the group is equally gender split and they aren’t all glasses wearing nerds. Okay, one lives with his mother, but they also have a (possible) murderer and GM of the female variety. It makes a nice change to have characters that I can relate to and are representative of a range of gaming geeks.
The multi talented Writer/Director/Editor Jamie McKellar, pays homage to Spaced with quick wit, dramatic cutaways and flashbacks galore. It is clear that everyone involved loves what they are doing, the acting is natural and the funny is well delivered. The series is based around a simple premise of four people sitting around a table waiting to play a game and all the humour you expect from that, but it also looks at a particular fear of mine – meeting new people and gaming with them. What if they are a bad fit? too weird or more socially awkward than the rest of us? At only four episodes in I’m excited to see how these relationships develop and whether they actually ever find and keep the fabled fifth member required to play the game. I’m also looking forward to more geek references beautifully drenched in comedy.
Reassuringly the makers promise a “…desperate, hilarious, and often terrifying quest to find the perfect player to fill that empty chair and make their team complete. Along the way they’ll encounter ham-gobbling warlords,unsanitary Bisk champions and overly smug wizards, plus get through enough cheese puffs and booze to fell a stone giant.” So, basically, count me in!
If you are roleplayer, a fan of Spaced or just looking for something funny then I implore you to take a few minutes out of your day and check out Nights of the Round Table. Episodes 1-4 can be viewed below and I also hear that episode 5, due on the 24th of October, will be a Halloween special.
Support an awesome web series and click these links below for all your Night At The Round Table needs and more information about Redshirt Films.
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/redshirtfilms
Twitter – https://twitter.com/redshirtjamie
YouTube – http://www.youtube.com/user/iamtimhelsing