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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sir Ian McKellen to play Sherlock

Sir Ian McKellen to play Sherlock Holmes
Sir Ian McKellen to play Sherlock Holmes

Whilst there are a lot of Sherlock Holmes interpretations floating around on TV and film right now, two on television ‘Sherlock‘ and ‘Elementary‘ and Robert Downey Jr’s portrayal of the super sleuth on the silver screen. But Sir Ian McKellen is set to take the character in a completely different direction.

The movie entitled ‘Slight Trick of the Mind‘, focuses on a much older, retired Sherlock. Just like RDJ’s portrayal of Sherlock, ‘Slight Trick of the Mind‘ will be in the same time period as the original stories were set in. The full plot summary is below.

A Slight Trick Of The Mind
A Slight Trick Of The Mind

[box_light]’In 1947, Sherlock Holmes, long retired, lives in a sleep Sussex village, with his housekeeper and her amateur-sleuthing son. But far from living out a peaceful retirement, he is haunted by an unsolved case from fifty years ago. He remembers only fragments: a confrontation with an angry husband, a secret bond with his beautiful but unstable wife. With his legendary mental powers on the wane, and without his old sidekick Watson, Holmes is faced with the toughest case of his life – a case that might finally reveal to him the mysteries of the human heart.‘[/box_light]

I believe that whilst there is a lot of Sherlock out there right now, verging on over-saturation. The thought of Sir Ian McKellen playing an older, retired Detective Holmes intrigues me and if the rest of the cast can act half as well as the great McKellen then consider me a movie ticket poorer already.

Stephen Brewer
Stephen Brewer
As an aspiring journalist I have found a home here at geek-pride, where I can write upon many subjects. If anybody has something they believe should be reviewed or newsworthy then feel free to send me a message, I always enjoy talking to people.

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