Like many of you, Star Wars was – and I guess could be argued- IS, a big part of my life. I had all the toys as a kid (which my mother gave to the neighbour’s children, one soul destroying day… not that I’m bitter) ; I watched all the movies, over and over again and I even had Star Wars place mats, duvet covers and PJs; I was obsessed! To the point that looking back in my mind’s eye, it seems that every  major fond memory I have revolved around Star Wars in some way shape or form.  From my first trip to see the trilogy in the cinema with my dad, to the day I got the Ewolk village (with free Wompa) for Christmas. Memories as vivid now as they were then and memories that shaped, guided and lead me to be who I am today.
It is therefore sad for me to admit that this Childhood wonderment that made me the strapping, Irish Viking I am, died a little as the years passed and I “grew up”. Yes I still geeked it up, watched the new films, bought toys and played every single Star Wars game there was known to man, but I never could get back that feeling of pure excitement and pleasure I held so dear as a child. The feeling of awe and stupefaction, the feeling that maybe, if I concentrate hard enough, I might actually be able to move something with my mind! All gone…well, until two weeks ago.
A friend of mine and singer in my most awesome Melodic Metal band (shameless plug…Skin the Pig) told me about an event happening in Manchester called “The Lost in Space weekend”, where in there was going to be a few guys dressed in Star Wars costumes and did I want to go for a look? Obviously I thought it was my geek duty to attend but I wasn’t expecting much to be honest. At most I thought I might get one or two pictures to put on the site and then I could go off to watch Prometheus. (sounded like a plan)
I turned up on my own, singer (whose idea it was) being comatose on his sofa after a heavy night drinking.  I park up my car and wonder up the stairs to the area the event meant to be held… nothing. Hmmm, I look around to see if maybe there is a gazebo or something where they all might be.. nope. Maybe I was early? I notice a sign in one of the retail outlet’s windows and start walking towards it,stopping dead a few meters from the door as 3 garbed figures emerged…
I couldn’t believe my eyes, or how I was feeling, the excitement was palpable. I just stood and stared like child who has just been introduced to Santa Clause for the first time; mouth a gawp, eyes wide and speech, nervous gibbering. What had been hidden in my subconscious, repressed even, just exploded out. The moment these 3 figures walked through those doors, was the day “Maff,” my 10 year old, younger self came back, with every wonderfully excitable emotion he carried with him.