As it seems I am imminently to be made redundant in the next month, I thought I’d look up some tips and tricks on how to get a good job by thinking outside the box… Here are my Top 5
By the way if you want to employ me, get in touch, I’m totally awesome… ask my mum
Number 5
The direct approach:
Toupe is totally my favourite colour as well!
A tank, a monkey and a Dino rider…. YOU’RE HIRED!
Number 4
Time to be a bit more serious but think outside the box… The telly box that is! This is a great online and interactive CV by Zef Narkiewicz. Check it out HERE
Number 3
Ordinary looking chap, but when Phil Dubost decided it was time to get a new job, he thought big pimping was the way forward! Check it out HERE
Number 2
“I’ve got £500 left, I’m unemployed, WHAT DO I DO!?”
Well, if you are Adam Pacitti, you spend that money on a billboard and set up a website called EMPLOYADAM.COM
Number 1
And finally, my number one ‘Thinking out of the box’ way to get yourself hired is brought to you by Robby Leonardi: click the picture and see why!