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Thursday, January 23, 2025

‘Warm Bodies’ Trailer – a different take on the Zombie Apocalypse

I’m  not quite sure how I have missed everything about this zombie comedy prior to today so I’m going to blame stupid Facebook and it’s pay to promote policy. Moaning aside (haha get it moaning, zombies) the film is Warm Bodies a romantic zombie comedy focused on the love story of Julie and zombie R, based on the story of the same name by Isaac Marion. It stars  Teresa Palmer (I am Number 4), Nicholas Hoult (X-Men: First Class), Rob Corddry and the wonderfully creepy John Malkovich, and is written and directed by Jonathan Levine (50/50).

 Shaun of the Dead is the base mark for zombie comedies and judging on the trailer alone I am excited though wary to say it will do as well. The advantage of this story is simply being a different twist on the zombie apocalypse. Forget the struggle for survival, this is a story about the struggle for love and acceptance without getting all Twilighty about it. The official trailer is below for your viewing pleasure followed by a full synopsis, which is a little spoilery for my liking, so be warned. The film is due for release February 1, 2013 and with World War Z coming in June, could this be the year of the zombie?

Zombies love people, especially their brains. But R (Nicholas Hoult) is different. He’s alive inside, unlike the hundreds of other grunting, drooling undead—all victims of a recent plague that drove the remaining survivors into a heavily guarded city. Now the Zombies roam about an airport terminal, searching for human prey and living in fear of the vicious Boneys, the next undead incarnation.

One day, R and his best friend M lumber toward the city in search of food. There, R first sets his eyes on JULIE (Teresa Palmer), a beautiful human. Determined to save her—first from the other Zombies and then from the Boneys—R hides her in his home, a cluttered 747 aircraft. Julie is terrified, and R’s grunted assurances of “Not…eat” do little to calm her. But when R begins to act more human than Zombie, coming to her defense, refusing to eat human flesh, and even speaking in full sentences, Julie realizes that R is special.

After a few close calls with the Boneys, and with her father mounting an armed search for her, Julie realizes she can’t hide forever. So she sneaks back home, leaving R broken-hearted. Desperate to see her, R decides to comb his hair, stand a little straighter, and impersonate a human long enough to get past the city guards. If only he can prove to the humans that Zombies can change, maybe R and Julie’s love might stand a chance. But with the rampaging Boneys heading toward the city and Julie’s father intent on killing R and his Zombie friends, the stage is set for an all-out battle between the living and the undead.

A genre-bending tale of love and transformation, WARM BODIES is a story about a boy who loves a girl…for more than just her body.”



Becca Harper
Becca Harperhttp://geekparenting.tumblr.com/
Editor and occasional writer for Geek Pride! I prefer Star Trek over Star Wars, collect comics and wish I could be a superhero one day. I tabletop RPG as well as a little gaming, design the odd t-shirt now and again, update my Geek Parenting Tumblr and when I have cash to spend (which is rare) I scour the internet for Wonder Woman collectables. Also Doctor Who and Firefly rock!!

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