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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Marvel’s ‘X-Force’ is Gathering Pace

Uncanny X-Force by Clayton Crain

It has recently been announced that Jeff Wadlow is set to write and direct Marvel’s X-Force, due for release in 2016.

In a recent interview with IGN.COM (Kick-Ass 2 spoilers alert), Jeff discusses that when he heard that Mark Millar got the job as the creative consultant for the Marvel Movieverse at Fox, he chased him down and pitched his idea for a X-Force movie.

His love for the series and passion to make this movie has clearly won over Mark and the other executives at Marvel/Fox, but sadly Jeff is currently under orders to keep his plans and ideas under wraps.

‘I just love the X-men universe and you know I bought X-Force #1 in high school. And I’ve read the recent run of Uncanny X-Force and it’s probably the best Marvel title out there right now,’ he says.

Given the various line-ups of X-Force over the years, it appears that Jeff is looking more towards the more recent darker ‘off the books’ black-ops X-Force; however, we are still waiting to see if we will see yet another Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine or if he will opt for the Cable-led team.  Whichever team he is currently writing, this could be the perfect outing to see Deadpool in his full insane glory, before he gets his own movie.  But with Deadpool movie starring Ryan Reynonds also due out in 2016, it could be a busy and rather prosperous future for Reynolds.

The seductive yet dangerous Domino
The seductive yet dangerous Domino

With the likes of Domino, Archangel, Psylocke and Fantomex -to name but a few- to chose from, there is inevitably going to be internet discussions and more likely rage over the team. One thing is for sure: no matter what the team, the X-Force movie is guaranteed to be darker than the X-Men movies’ rich pool of storylines and character arcs on offer.

Below is an edited, spoiler free version of the Jeff Wadlow interview with IGN.COM.


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