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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Riley (6) expresses her disappointment with Avengers actions figures

Riley is a six year old geek girl. A while back she explained to the world what was wrong with toys for girls along the lines of – why do girls have to have pink toys? I’ll post her video on this topic below.

This time she has something very important to share about the Avengers action figures. Simply, why is there no Black Widow? It is a good question and one I have asked, as I’m sure many of you have.

For a girl so young to be able to see this injustice is extraordinary and absolutely right. It gives me a little more hope that the next generation of geek girls will not be ignored by ‘the man’ but instead considered as consumers equal for men to men.  

To the people who make these naive and sexist decisions I say ‘duh’, if a six year old noticed,  may be it’s time to pull your finger out. To Riley’s parents I say – You’re doing it right! 


Here is her rant about toys, when she was just 4 years old:

Becca Harper
Becca Harperhttp://geekparenting.tumblr.com/
Editor and occasional writer for Geek Pride! I prefer Star Trek over Star Wars, collect comics and wish I could be a superhero one day. I tabletop RPG as well as a little gaming, design the odd t-shirt now and again, update my Geek Parenting Tumblr and when I have cash to spend (which is rare) I scour the internet for Wonder Woman collectables. Also Doctor Who and Firefly rock!!

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