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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wizard World Comic-Con, Portland, OR.

logoGiven that I’m the only American on here, it’s my responsibility to cover whatever conventions come my way. Yesterday was one such example. Wizard World is a traveling show, with celebrities covering certain cons. Yesterday was star studded as ever, but my broke ass backfired.

We got there at 9am, and the doors opened at 10, so luckily we got to beat some of the nastier lines. The swag bags had 7-11 exclusive WoW cups, but they were organized funny so my buddies and I got to mix and match to complete our sets while killing time in the line. Since our spot in line had a banister that oversaw the registration desk, so that we could make fun of some of the cosplayers and neckbeards that we saw while I counted the Batman shirts, most of which were identical to the one that I was wearing (and, for what it’s worth, am wearing right now).

When the doors finally opened, the first thing we did was head for the Norman Reedus booth. Luckily, we got there when we did, in spite of it being a full half hour before he showed up. When we he finally did show up, the line had backed up from his location (toward one end of the hall) to the other end of the hall (holding the Impala from Supernatural). Once we got out of the overflow and into the line itself, a buddy of mine started chanting “Merle Sucks!”, to which Norman joined in. Shortly after, I had a fangasm moment.

I’m standing there, and out of nowhere I hear a familiar voice shout “NORMAN REEDUS I LOVE YOU!” I turn around, and who do I see? None other than Brent motherfucking Spiner. He walks over to his booth (conveniently placed behind Sean Patrick Flannery’s booth, showing that all three Boondock Saints actors were in a row), leans back into Sean’s booth and yells “NORMAN! NORMAN!” Norman, sunglasses and everything (he might’ve been high, I know I would be if I had to deal with Portland fangirls all day), looks over, sees who it is, walks over and gives him a hug. While my pants are busy exploding to the sight of Daryl hugging Data, I’m fumbling to find my camera, but I couldn’t get it out until they were walking away. Once I’d gotten to a point in the line where I could see the booth, I saw the sign saying “$40 (a little over £26.50, or €31.30) per signature”. I was aggravated, as I only had $20 (£13.25 or €15.16) total in pocket money. So I took this picture and called it good.

 At that point, I got out of line and went to see if anyone else cost money. The cheapest was Jamest Marsters, at $33. Angry, I decided to explore the convention and take pictures. Here’s the result, which can be found on my private facebook page and my public page. 


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An aspiring filmmaker coming from a military family, my solitary life allowed me to gain an intimate knowledge of geekdom. I specialize on horror and military, but I am also knowledgeable on science fiction, fantasy, comic books and classic cartoons.

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