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Saturday, July 27, 2024

New Doctor To Be Revealed

Many of us have speculated over who will be the next Doctor. Stephen Moffat has announced that we’ll will find out on Sunday night, during a LIVE interview on BBC1. (If anyone can record that and email it to me, you’ll be my favorite geek.)

Doctor Who 50th Anniversaty

Moffat announced at Comic Con, that “The clock has struck twelve.” So who will play the twelfth and final Doctor, of the new Doctor Who? With last season’s cliffhanger ending where John Hurt is revealed to be the next Doctor, many of us have hit the forums to discuss this very thing.

One long running theory was that John Hurt would play The Doctor’s inner dark – the Doctor that destroyed his home planet in The Time Wars. That is my personal favorite theory. However, Moffat has announced that people will be interviewed live, along side Matt Smith (Eleven and Twelve) and former companions, as well as celebrity fans. 

John Hurt Peter Capaldi

An influx of bets with bookmakers has also pushed actor Peter Capaldi into the running. The 55-year-old Scottish actor would be the oldest of the modern Doctors, more in line with the age of first Doctor William Hartnell when he started in 1963.

So to our BBC1 watchers out there, this Sunday at 7 pm GMT, we will finally have an answer.

Until next time…. Run. Run you fellow Whovians, and remember.

Brittany Thornton aka The Wookie, lives on the majestic islands of Hawaii. A mother of two up and coming geek daughters. A Whovian, a Tolkien lover, a Trekkie and obviously a fan of Star Wars, you'll usually find her on XboxLive, playing Destiny and getting killed... a lot. Want to win her over? Books, bring books. Food helps too.

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